
Julie Has Various Opportunities Available

If you are wishing to improve your health, or generate an additional income Julie has various opportunities that you can take a look at.

H.O.W. Health & Optimal Wealth Business Building System

If you are looking to build a highly profitable business online with no tech knowledge, no experience & no existing business. Then take a look here at our 90% automated 'done for you' business opportunity.

Get Your Own Frequency Healing Device

Healy is a personal frequency healing device. The worlds first compact frequency healing device for everyday use at home. The Healy can be used on illness, mental health, sleep, and a range of other situations.

If you are a Female Entrepreneur save Money & Time with this all in one software platform

Get a free 14 day trial to check out this all in one software platform and also get a free one page website or sales funnel.

What some lovely clients have written

Hey gorgeous Julie 💛

I was going to write a review ages ago but if I’m being honest with you I have been really been enjoying life since you took me through your program.

I feel so good these days since kicking some of the crap that no longer served me to the curb !!!

I just love this process it is so quick and easy to do.

Thank you so much!



I recently had a timeline reset done with Julie I found her

to be very easy to get completely comfortable

with as she created a safe and nurturing environment

for us to work in I would highly recommend

to anyone who feels like they need some direction and

a mindset reset to have a session with

Julie as it has been very beneficial for me and has changed

how I look at all aspects of my life.


I recently had the privilege of doing some Timeline Therapy with the amazing Julie Ryswyk. I had had similar therapies in the past and haven’t had much success. But, with Julie, I felt totally safe and supported. Julie was so beautiful in her delivery and for the first time ever, I have continued to practice the exercises every day.

I’m seeing fantastic results and I’m feeling so much more empowered to achieve the success I felt blocked from achieving. If you are feeling like you have hit a ceiling in your life and you want to break through, I highly recommend you work with Julie. For me, it has been a total game changer. I wish I had done this sooner. Thank you so much Julie. I'm so grateful to you 🙏🥰❤️Amazing atmosphere and an amazing session would recommend felt like I was walking on clouds 💕


I just had the most amazing session with Julie on releasing some limiting beliefs with timeline reset that were blocking me from success, she held a safe space for me to release and let go of what was stopping me moving forward in my business to the next level.

Thank you so much xxxx I would highly recommend Julie as a coach, so kind and understanding.



Wow could not be any happier walking into your

beautiful and peaceful space. I felt so comfortable

and the experience was just amazing.

Thank you so much for having me and I look forward

to coming in next time 😊

