Find Tranquility and Renewel at the Helenic Temple

Reveal the luminescence of the Sacred Feminine through The Helenic Temple.

Our sacred offerings are crafted to illuminate the path towards a life harmonised with purpose and equilibrium.

Our retreats and wisdom days offer a sanctuary where souls unite, embracing the vibrations of the Emerging Earth.

Should you yearn to enrich your spiritual odyssey and connect with a fellowship honouring the divine feminine, venture forth and partake in the enchantment of our retreats.

The Tale of the Helenic Temple

The Helenic Temple was founded by Katie McLean from Ethereal Sanctum and Julie Ryswyk from Vibrational Harmony Studio Katie channelled the name "Helenic." Upon discovering that "Helen" in Greek signifies "torch or light," and "Nic," an abbreviation of the Greek name Nicholas, means "Victory of the people," she and Julie both loved how fitting it was for the name of a New Earth endeavor.Their vision is to create a sacred space for women to connect with the divine feminine, ensuring that healing therapies and a supportive community are accessible to all women, regardless of their means. Sanctuary will be offered through a series of retreats and mystery teachings. Katie and Julie are deeply dedicated to authentic healing practices rooted in the light of Christ and the essence of love.